Digital billboard under supervision

In No classified  On 10.02.17

Libertevision has installed a new LED billboard on highway 40 near Joliette. This 24 by 12 feet billboard is now the envy of many potential advertisers. Indeed, our client sells advertising tomerchants via ISABO.CA, the ad specialists!

The board is a high resolution 10mm screen with high brightness diodes for an amazing look!

It goes without saying that we want to keep an eye on the display at all times! This is made possible by the surveillance camera and the HIK-CONNECT application, both allowing you to remotely control your screen and to keep your eyes on it all the time, at your best convenience.

For Libertevision, it is an effective way to ensure excellent maintenance of the digital sign. By logging onto the application, you can see the status of the modules, thus being able to contact our 24H service whenever necessary. In the example above, the application shows that a module is burned and we have to go replace it. This means we can be as focused and efficient as possible!

For the advertisers, the surveillance camera helps to provide proof of play advertisers require. They can ensure their customers that the advertisement is broadcasted on the external LED screen and that the service is delivered just as stipulated by the contract. Advertisers can produce their own broadcast report, as it really is, with just a few clicks.

For the owner of the billboard, it is also a way to see in real time the image quality as promised and guaranteed by Libertevision. It also helps to prevent any potential vandalism. Watch your digital billboard, even in the middle of the night or whenever needed, thanks to the surveillance camera.