Privacy Policy


By using the website (hereinafter the “Site”) and by providing your personal information via the contact form, you consent to Libertévision collecting, using, and disclosing it as outlined in this privacy policy.

Libertévision does not sell, trade, or transmit your personal information to third parties. Only Libertévision employees responsible for responding to you will have access to it.


1.1 The term “Personal Information” means your first and last name or company name, email address, phone number, or any other confidential information about you that directly or indirectly identifies you.
1.2 The term “Privacy Incident” means unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of personal information as prohibited by law, and the loss of personal information or any other breach of the protection of such information.


Information Collected Automatically
Libertévision automatically collects general information about your use of the Site. This information may include your computer’s IP address, your Internet service provider’s IP address, the web browser used to access the Site, the date and time of access to the Site, operations performed during use of the Site, settings related to particular pages viewed on the Site, the time spent on each page, and the content downloaded, if any. The general information that is collected automatically is used to improve the Site or for marketing, system management, administration, or other administrative purposes, or to verify compliance with the terms of use. Libertévision may use the general information collected automatically to create summaries about the use of the Site.


Use of Cookies
Libertévision uses “cookies,” which are small data files sent to your browser and stored on your computer’s hard drive to track your use of the Site and ensure your security at the user authentication level. The information derived from cookies is used to facilitate the use of the Site. Most browsers allow users to disable cookies stored on their computer’s hard drive. Disabling cookies (not recommended) may prevent you from accessing or using the Site or may create data security vulnerabilities.


Information Collected via the Contact Form
The contact form requires users to provide their name, email address, and phone number. Libertévision keeps a record of the personal information of Site visitors who voluntarily provide such information via the contact form. This record is maintained and used as provided in the following paragraphs.


Security and Storage of Information
Libertévision respects and protects the privacy of individuals who visit its Site. The security of information transmitted by its users is therefore a priority for Libertévision. Accordingly, it has adopted and implemented physical and technological mechanisms and measures to protect your personal information and safeguard its confidentiality. Any specific personal information received will be saved and stored in Libertévision’s records in print or electronic form in controlled access locations, and only Libertévision employees responsible for responding to you will have access to it.
Despite the measures Libertévision has put in place, which are described above, it is impossible to guarantee that data transmitted over the Internet is secure. Libertévision does not guarantee or represent that the personal information you provide is transmitted securely or that it is fully protected against interception, loss, misuse, or alteration. Libertévision assumes no obligation or liability for any damage resulting from the unsecured transmission, interception, loss, misuse, or alteration of personal information that you transmit.


External Links
The Site may provide links to access other parties’ websites; please note that these sites are not under the responsibility of Libertévision. We recommend that visitors review the privacy policy of these other sites before providing personal information. Libertévision is not responsible for the content, security, or privacy policies of these other sites.


Subject to legal obligations, Libertévision will not sell the right to use its users’ personal information to a third party. Libertévision does not disclose any confidential information without users’ consent.


Personal Information Protection Officer
Libertévision appoints Carl Breau as the Personal Information Protection Officer.
Contact Information:
Email: (Libertévision administrative office)


Consent to Use
By providing your personal information to Libertévision, you have consented to its use for a specific purpose. Libertévision agrees not to use your personal information for any other purposes than those for which you initially provided it and agrees to obtain your consent if required. However, Libertévision may use personal information for another purpose without your consent only in cases provided by law:
– When its use is for purposes compatible with those for which it was collected;
– When its use is manifestly to the benefit of the person concerned;
– When its use is necessary for the prevention and detection of fraud or for evaluating and improving security measures;
– When its use is necessary for the provision or delivery of a product or service requested by the person concerned;
– When its use is necessary for study, research, or statistical production, and it is anonymized.


Withdrawal of Consent
At any time, you are entitled to withdraw your consent to the communication or use of the information provided to Libertévision. You must send your request by email to the Personal Information Protection Officer.


Destruction of Information
When the purposes for which the personal information has been collected or used are accomplished, Libertévision agrees to destroy or anonymize it for legitimate purposes in accordance with the law, unless you have consented otherwise.


Confidentiality and Communication of Collected Information
Libertévision will treat any information provided as confidential and agrees to implement the necessary means to prevent the disclosure of personal information it holds to third parties, except as provided by law. At any time, you may request from Libertévision a file containing the personal information that Libertévision holds about you. To be considered, your access request must be made in writing and addressed to the Personal Information Protection Officer, who can assist you if needed.
Libertévision agrees that the Personal Information Protection Officer will respond in writing to your access request promptly and no later than 30 days from the date of receipt of your request. If the Officer fails to respond within 30 days of receiving the request, they are deemed to have refused to comply with it.
In this case, Libertévision agrees that the Personal Information Protection Officer will provide reasons for any refusal to comply with a request and indicate the legal provision on which the refusal is based, the recourses available to you, and the time frame within which they can be exercised. The Personal Information Protection Officer must assist you if needed.


Correction of Collected Information
Libertévision agrees to correct, upon request, the personal information collected if it is inaccurate, incomplete, or equivocal, or if its collection, communication, or retention is not authorized by law. Your request must be made in writing by a person who proves their identity and addressed to the Personal Information Protection Officer, who can assist you in writing your request if needed.
Libertévision agrees that the Personal Information Protection Officer will respond in writing to your correction request promptly and no later than 30 days from the date of receipt of your request. If the Officer fails to respond within 30 days of receiving the request, they are deemed to have refused to comply with it.
Libertévision agrees that the Personal Information Protection Officer will provide reasons for any refusal to comply with a request and indicate the legal provision on which the refusal is based, the recourses available to you, and the time frame within which they can be exercised. The Personal Information Protection Officer must assist you if needed.
When the Personal Information Protection Officer agrees to a correction request, they will provide the person who made the request with a free copy of any modified or added personal information or, as the case may be, a certificate of the deletion or removal of such information.


In the interest of transparency, Libertévision wishes to inform you that you can submit a request to the Commission d’accès à l’information for a review of a disagreement concerning the application of a legislative provision on access or correction of personal information.


Privacy Incident
Libertévision agrees to take reasonable steps to reduce the risk of harm to you and to prevent similar incidents if it has reason to believe that a privacy incident involving personal information has occurred.
If the incident presents a serious harm, Libertévision agrees to notify the Commission d’accès à l’information and any person whose personal information is involved in the incident, as required by law.
Privacy incidents, if any, are recorded in a register. This register is integrated into Libertévision’s corporate book.


Changes to this Privacy Policy
Libertévision reserves the right to change this privacy policy at any time by posting a new privacy policy on the Site without notice or obligation to you or any other person. The collection, use, and disclosure of your information by Libertévision will be subject to the version of the privacy policy that is then posted and in effect.